5 Signs You Might Be A Perfectionist

mindset perfectionism stuck Aug 16, 2021

I use to be a perfectionist. It took me a while but I realized how my perfectionism held me back from so many things in life and added to my stress.

Perhaps you are struggling with some of the same things I use to. 

Below I put together 5 different signs that you might be a perfectionist.

  1. You have several unfinished projects.
    • This happens to perfectionists because they are constantly trying to improve their work/project/writing so much so that it’s in a perpetual state of revision and never gets finished. 
    • This can also lead to procrastination on projects.
  2. You have unrealistically high standards.
    • Perfectionists feel that things are not worth doing if they are not done perfectly.
    • You expect yourself to produce perfect work and may also expect others you work with to also live up to your high standards.
  3. You are afraid someone will judge you or your work as not good enough.
    • This is one reason perfectionists often feel stuck and don't make progress towards their goals. They are afraid to put themselves and their work out there, for fear someone may judge it, say they are wrong or disagree. If it's not finished and out there nobody can judge them and tell them they are wrong or the work is not good.
  4. You are high critical of yourself and/or others.
    • This could be critical of your work or that of others.
    • This can also manifest in how you perceive your appearance and self confidence.
  5. You have a mindset of all or nothing or black and white thinking.
    • You may feel there's only one right choice or one correct way of doing something.
    • Sometimes you may not take action because you can't decide or find the one right choice.
    • In your mind things are either right or wrong, there's no grey area.

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