How To Stop Overthinking &Avoid Analysis Paralysis

decisions overthinking Aug 25, 2021

Have you ever been in a situation in which there seems to be endless options and you just don't know what to choose?
While it's nice to have options, sometimes having too many options causes your brain to overthink things. Often time when overwhelmed by choices our brain will shut down and sometimes avoid making a decision all together.
Let me tell you about a time where I was at my favorite nail salon with a friend for a mani and pedi. I like to go a bit early because it takes me forever to decide on a color.
They must have had about 200 regular polish colors and perhaps about 1000 gel samples/combos to choose from. After about 15 min I chose an orange pink color for my toes but couldn't find something that felt right for my nails.
I took about 3 sample rings to my pedicure chair trying to decide. By the end of the pedicure I still hadn't decided and just made a quick default decision for a French manicure because it didn't clash.
I realized that I hadn't enjoyed my pedicure because my mind was still stuck trying to find the one right choice for a nail color.
Why this happens: 
This is a case of self induced analysis paralysis. Where your brain feels overwhelmed when there's too many options. If you aren't someone who likes to get their nails done, then perhaps you have encountered analysis paralysis when car shopping, or even at a new restaurant that has a large number of menu options. You just don't know what to choose.
Overthinking is a thought pattern that has become a habit. This is good news because it means we can change this habit. 
Perfectionists in particular, have a tough time making decisions and are more likely to be affected by analysis paralysis. 
Why, you may ask?
Well, it's not just that perfectionists are indecisive. Due to the all or nothing mindset perfectionists have, we feel that there's only one right choice. In essence we are afraid to make the wrong choice. 
How you can stop overthinking:
Now, let's be honest, not all decisions are of equal magnitude. A nail color or what you choose to order for dinner really aren't decisions that have long lasting consequences.
What is important though is to realize when your brain is overthinking things. Pause and ask yourself if this is a decision that will matter a year from now? This question helps to sort out what's the big meaningful stuff in life worth putting more thought into and what is not.
If it's not a big thing just pick something, or perhaps narrow it down to 3 and choose from there. Obviously, our car shopping choice above would matter a year from now and deserves more of your mental energy and thought.
I also find it helpful to make decisions ahead of time to avoid overthinking situations. I know I love the salmon at a particular restaurant we often go to so I'll choose that ahead of time instead of looking at the menu and getting stuck in indecision again. Or you could set a constraint (rule) that you always order the healthiest thing on the menu.
So the next time recognize your brain getting stuck in overthinking a situation try one of those two techniques. It will make your experience easier, free up the mental energy, and perhaps you may enjoy your pedicure more. 😉

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