One Word Can Change Your Life

goals Jan 19, 2022



One topic that always excites me is the idea of personal growth, becoming the next version of myself to achieve my goals.

In order to help me keep my goals top of mind and to push myself, I chose a word to embody this year.

This year, I picked the word Extraordinary.

Why that word you may ask?

I chose that for several reasons. 

It requires me to stretch and grow. If I want to achieve my big goals for the year I need to not do the ordinary, but go beyond. 

Extraordinary people are brave, try new things, put themselves out there, get back up when they stumble, make failure mean nothing, they persist until they have achieved great results. They Make %#*@ Happen! 

I start the day by asking myself: 

  • What can I do today to be Extraordinary?  
  • How can I help my clients get Extraordinary results? 
  • What step today can I take to get me closer to achieving my Extraordinary goal?

This word resonates so much with me. 

If you haven't chosen a word to embody this year, it's not too late.  


Tips for Choosing Your Word:

  • Think about the results you want in your life and who you have to become to get those results. For example: maybe if you have a weight loss goal you need to be determined, committed or disciplined to achieve those results. 
  • Adjectives work best


I promise if you do choose one, you wake up each day and ask yourself how can I be X today, a year from now you will be a totally different person. The next version of you. 

Remember you can accomplish anything but it takes desire, awareness, thought, determination, and intentional action to make it happen. 



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