Practice Letting Go

Jan 28, 2022


Perfectionism can come with some positive attributes, like being thorough, organized, analytical and being detail oriented. 

The problem lies when we use those to the extreme and on others. 

In a quest for perfection, we have trained our brain to see what's missing, what's wrong, the weak spots in our work and that of others. 

This leads to our impossibly high standards and we set ourselves up for constant. disappointment and frustration. 

We feel that things must be done the right way, that is often our way. When we think there is only one way to do things and we correct other people we are, sending a message of they are not good enough.

One of the key lessons in overcoming your perfectionism is  letting go.

Letting go of control over:

  • Lessening your plate by delegating things and accepting what other people do with the task and not redoing it or criticizing it 
  • End a project when you feel that the work is acceptable to others. (No perfectionist wants to be average but maybe you could turn in excellent work or extraordinary work, not perfect work which you hold onto continually revising because perfection is unobtainable)
  • Asking yourself will this matter a year from now? If not it's small stuff and let it go. 
  • Making a decision then letting go of the second guessing yourself mind drama that ensues wondering if you made the "right choice"

You can see how this can play out in may ways.

So today, I'd like you to practice this. Find something that you feel isn't perfect and practice letting go. Let it sit in a state of imperfection. Notice how you feel. 

The worst that can happen is you feel an uncomfortable emotion.  Over time with more practice of letting go it will get easier and easier and no longer feel so uncomfortable. 


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