Raising Your Floor: What Are You Tolerating in Life?

breaking bad habbits habits negative self talk personal growth raising your floor tolerating May 10, 2023

Life is a journey filled with ups and downs, but it's important to ensure that the lows don't become our new normal. We all have a baseline, a floor, beneath which we are no longer willing to accept less. It's crucial to identify what we are tolerating in our lives and take steps to raise our floor for a happier and more fulfilling existence.

Tolerations are those things that we put up with, often unconsciously, but that drain our energy, limit our potential, and hinder our progress. They can be subtle or glaringly obvious, but regardless of their form, they hold us back from reaching our true potential. By bringing our attention to these tolerations, we empower ourselves to make positive changes.

So, what might you be tolerating in your life? Here are some common examples:

  1. Unfulfilling relationships: Relationships should add value to our lives, but sometimes we find ourselves in connections that drain our energy, bring negativity, or prevent personal growth. It's time to evaluate and consider whether it's worth tolerating a relationship that no longer serves us.

  2. Stagnant career: Many individuals find themselves stuck in jobs that don't align with their passions or provide opportunities for growth. It's essential to assess whether you are tolerating a career that is unfulfilling and explore possibilities for professional development or even a change of career path.

  3. Poor physical health habits: Our bodies are our temples, yet we often tolerate unhealthy habits that negatively impact our well-being. Whether it's a sedentary lifestyle, a poor diet, or inadequate sleep, these tolerations can compromise our overall health. It's time to prioritize self-care and make choices that support a healthier lifestyle.

  4. Negative self-talk: Our internal dialogue has a profound effect on our self-esteem and confidence. If you find yourself constantly criticizing or belittling yourself, it's time to challenge those negative thoughts and cultivate self-compassion and self-love. You deserve to treat yourself with kindness and respect.

  5. Financial struggles: Money-related stress can have a significant impact on our well-being. If you're tolerating a financial situation that brings constant worry or prevents you from pursuing your goals, it's time to reassess your financial habits, seek guidance if needed, and take steps towards financial stability.

Once you've identified your tolerations, it's time to raise your floor. This means setting higher standards for what you will accept in your life. It's about cultivating self-awareness, embracing personal growth, and taking action to eliminate or improve the aspects of your life that are holding you back.

Start by setting boundaries. Clearly define what is acceptable and what is not, and communicate those boundaries to others. Surround yourself with positive influences and seek out supportive relationships. Invest in activities and pursuits that align with your values and bring you joy. Break free from the chains of toleration and embrace a life of purpose and fulfillment.

Remember, raising your floor is a continuous process. As you evolve and grow, your tolerations may change. Stay attuned to your needs and be proactive in addressing any areas of your life that no longer serve you. By raising your floor, you open yourself up to new possibilities, greater happiness, and a more authentic and satisfying life.

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