Start Before You Are Ready

Sep 01, 2021
Have you ever not started a project, passed up a job, or backed out of an opportunity because you didn't feel ready enough to start?
If so, you are not alone. I also have an explanation to why this happens.
Often times the situation that we are about to start is not nearly as bad, scary, or uncomfortable as we think it might be.
So, why do we do this and why do perfectionists struggle with this more so than others?
The primitive part of our brain has three agendas.
    1. Avoid pain
    2. Conserve energy
    3. Seek pleasure
Knowing this you can see how starting some kind of task before we feel fully ready is uncomfortable and would require more energy than doing more of the same. Because of this, your primitive subconscious brain would prefer not to do the new task.
Now, if we take in account how a perfectionist mind works, we can see how it would also want to avoid doing something that it doesn't feel fully qualified for, something it didn't feel that it couldn't do perfectly or would fail at.
What happens when we don't just jump all in and start something new?
Well, if you are waiting to feel ready for something, the chances are you will never start.
It's like that saying you will never be fully prepared to have kids.
Another great example is investing for retirement. We all know it's something we should do start saving and investing at an early age. All those years of compounded interest and growth are very hard to make up. Most of us don't do this. Why, likely because we don't feel like we know enough about investing, meaning we aren't in a mental state where we feel we know enough to be ready. I bet we all know someone who says they wished they would've started saving earlier.
When we wait and say I'll do that some day, life passes us by. We lose the opportunity to grow. That same opportunity may never come by again and the time can't be replaced.
So, I'd like to challenge you to start something before you feel ready. Be open to learning as you go, and in the words of Marie Forleo, "Everything is Figureoutable" so why not just begin.

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